Tuesday 7 April 2020


Hello friends, welcome to today's post.

I have been planning to share a sample of what a teacher resume should look like and here it is, but before viewing the details, I want you to read through this information.

I expect you to research more but here is a hint of what you should have.

As a first timer in the teaching profession after college, you may be wondering that you don't have any teaching experience to include in your resume.

But hey....., think again, what about your internship? When you did your teaching practice in a school?

There you go, that is an experience you should include under the interactive section of your teacher resume.

Also, those times when you volunteered to teach or helped someone with their home work, I think its totally educational and you should include that as well.

In the areas of your hobbies please only include teachable skills you have. you know, skills that can be transferred from teacher to students. Any school will value that more.

I hope this sample is just enough information to help you get yours done too.

Always remember to share you experience with me in the comment section.

So.... much love,


Address: xxxxx
Telephone: xxxxx   Email: xxxxx

Looking for an opportunity to bring efficiency and expertise to the teaching profession. To help bring good moral standard to the school and help children develop in the best possible way and become motivated, positive students.

·         Excellent communication skills (children and parents oriented)
·         Able to inspire, comfort and build self esteem
·         Demonstrates sound work ethics
·         Active listening with a positive attitude
·         Good lesson planning and classroom management

Teacher (Basic One). 2014 – 2015
Xxxx  Nursery and Primary School insert address of school here
·          Taught and managed a classroom size of twelve (12) pupils and helped improved the grade of four (4) pupils by the end of the term in the areas of proper calculation and reading.
·          Foster team collaboration between pupils through group projects in areas of agriculture and painting.
·          Improved reading skills and comprehension among pupils particularly of 3 children that where behind in classroom work.
·          Introduced the queen primer and brighter grammar literature that helped build pupils reading skills
·          Helped improved communication between parents by keeping record of children’s progress and interest and informed parents about their child’s development.


Student Teacher (Business Studies).  April -July 2017
Insert name of school and address her
·         Taught a class size of 17 JSS2 students, created small group lessons to encourage active student participation
·          Helped cooperating teacher in planning and in supervising extra- curricular activities of the class
·         Evaluated learning to determine the extent to which instructional objectives are achieved by students.

Student teacher (Business Studies JSS1). September-December 2013
Insert name of school and address here
·         Achieved an interactive class and carried all students along by breaking class of 54 into four (4) smaller groups which helped all students to be easily identified and fully participate
·         Split students into study groups in preparation for the next lesson in order to involve the slow learners.

University of Xxxxx
2015-2018 BSc (ed) Accounting Education

Insert another name of institution here if available
2010-2014. MSc (ed) Guidance and counselling

Mentoring, coaching and tutoring
Reading and education blogging
Baking and cooking
Arts and Craft (Diy) instructor
Chess lover.

Sunday 22 December 2019

My welcome back speech

Hi.....😊, I am totally excited to be with you again and to be fully back to share my in-class experience with you. I have been out of the classroom for all these time I didn't post, so now that I am working as a teacher again ,I have lots of 'from the classroom' ideas to share with all you lovely readers of mine.
The last issue we discussed was about your resume. What it should look like, but before I start sharing on that, I would like to share with you what I have been up to all the while I was not blogging.

Ok, to go easy one step at a post, it was an amazing learning experience while trying to get this job I have now. Not much stress at all, just that I was in a difficult position trying to pick from the options I had. The both pay was approximately the same so I had to consider other factors and for a busy, burstling city like lagos where traffic is a menace, I opted for a job closer to my house and........🤔yeah, I cant complain at all. And like I once shared with you, dont wait to see an ad before you apply, just google schools around your city and call them to see if they have an opening and if they do? You will get the green light

Truely speaking Guys, I felt it was important for me to have a real experience, like being into what I am actually talking about before I can really blog about it and I dont know how true that is for anyone but for me, being in the game makes it easy to talk about the game.

Ooohhhm, its so.... good to be back guys. We have lots to talk about and am gonna share my sample resume with you in my next post which could just be moments away, but until I post it, stay truely true to yourself and never forget, I ❤ you all.


Friday 6 January 2017


Hello friends,
 its a happy new year for me and I wish for it to be a year of flourishing for you as I share with you, tips on the content of a resume for a teaching job.

You must have the understanding that your resume reflects your intention of that job you are applying for and at such it should be able to speak for you in your absence.

Aside from the pay, you must have a reason for wanting to work and these should form part of your objective contained in your resume. you should also have a goal as a teacher which you will include in your resume but in all, it should be brief and clear. 

The details of your work experience must be accompanied by a work description. that is, your responsibilities at wherever you have worked before.

You loved football to the skin we know, you are a great singer wow, beautiful BUT that shouldn't be the center  of your hobbies. 
Things like reading, writing, meeting people, travelling among others draw more attention to you than watching football and singing, for a teaching job.

breakdown of your hobbies

A reading teacher will engage the learners more in reading and help them to cultivate a study habit
A writing teacher will engage the learners in developing an interest for writing, creative writing and eventually becoming a novelist and more.
A teacher who loves meeting people will transmit to the learners the spirit of social living and  accepting their peers and such teacher can relate well with any learner
A travelling teacher will be willing to travel with the learners on field trips and escortion learning.

The part I love most, your referees. 
 your referees should be available on request not listing a dozen of people for them, that also shows you give yourself worth. you don't have to be all beggarly because you need a job, the employers also want someone who has got self dignity and respect so, your carriage matters a lot.

what other skill do you have that you can take to the job. for me catering and baking sold me out, what about you. if you don't have any skill you can start learning while you await a forth coming job.
skills like painting, drawing, drumming or playing of  any instrument, exercise and fitness coach, knitting and lots more. these skills will surely sell you during interview and thanks to the internet coaching classes are on line for free just ask google. 

ooooh I dont want to but I have to go but on our next issue I will be sharing samples of a resume and an application letter plus the approved envelope you should be using.

 We will also talk about dress code for an interview and lots more but till i come your way
keep enjoying life and lots of kisses and hugs, bye................  UniQue


Monday 17 October 2016


Hello Amigos (friends)
I am very sorry for been away for so long. I apologise for not writing any post since the last one, it was due to some very  strong personal issues.
I promise to try my best not to fail you again.
Now that I am back fully, there are loads of ideas and suggestions i will be sharing with you, just stick around.
Thanks and a big love from me 👍.
Cheers......... Unique

Saturday 6 February 2016

How to get a teaching job in Nigeria

Wow wow wow
I am spicy as samba today because each time I have to share an idea with you I am so excited doing it.
Last time I told you of what to do to get qualified for a teaching position.

Now let's talk about finding a teaching job.
When looking for a job you don't really have to wait for an advert to be placed first, you can go to advertise yourself.

When looking for a job here is what to do.

First, case the environment you would like to work to see available schools, their address and their names.
Then write an application letter with an updated resume and submit to the school in person.
Be bold enough when you go and you can start by briefly stating why you are there with the reception because from the gate you should be allowed entrance into the school compound if you are to see the reception.

You can also check out the papers but most likely Tuesday guardian. There are also sites to check out  for vacancies in Nigeria depending on the city where you live. Just type the question on Google search.

For me when I am looking for a job I take the bull by the horn and go to submit résumé without the school advertising first. And when I get there I always start by greeting and then say( am sorry to bother you but I came to see if there could be any vacancy for a teacher, am here with my c.v) and most times I get the green light.

You would get better chances if you go during the third term holiday since its in preparation for first term. Plus

A Montessori certificate will give you a better advantage but that not withstanding your boldness is one Paramount thing that gives you the edge.

Now how should your résumé look like and
What should you expect in such interview
How are you expected to appear
All these are things that count if you have to get the job and you know what?

I would be here as always to share that idea with you. Just keep sticking around

.....LoVe..... Unique.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Making a career in teaching

Hello friends
Last time I talked to you about choosing to study education,  am sure you are making up your mind already for the next u.t.m.e

Now let me give you tips of making a career in teaching
What is your discipline? at least we can start from there. If you didn't do education in tertiary level then you can start by
1. Doing a course in education ( maybe a diploma or PGD, masters)
      Find out from university sites what is required
2. You can do a Montessori course (it is a course in teaching) find out available Montessori study centres in Nigeria from Google

With little training you can apply for teaching jobs.
You can also teach in some small private schools without an education degree but to be on top of your game go for a teaching training and you would be applying to bigger schools with better salary. People will also feel free to leave their kids with you for tutorials at a good price.

There are lots of other tips I would share with you if you stick around. From interview questions, how to start being a good teacher and how to start making money in this long abandoned lucrative career.
All you have to do is just keep following and stay cool.
LoVe...... Unique